Friday, June 17, 2011

A Comeback:)

Okay, so I had great intentions of blogging more often than every three months, but that was before I couldn't figure out my password. That was a real problem seeing as I am not computer savvy:) I finally manged to get a new password and so here I sit.

It has been crazy busy the last few months. We were so excited to be able to attend IHC for the first time in six years this past April! It was a week filled with seeing old friends and spending some time with Jon's parents. That following Saturday Jon flew out of Cincinatti to the Philippines for two weeks. I flew to SD to spend some time with my parents. It was great getting to see and spend time with family but I was more than ready to have my husband home!

In May we celebrated Kayla Grace's first birthday. We had a pink and green polka dot and owl party. It turned out so cute! She was of course excited with the attention and squealed with joy when they sang Happy Birthday:) It is so hard to believe that we have had her for a year already. She is my heart:) I look forward to many many more birthday parties for my gift from God:)

So summer is here and all the fun of Youth Camp is over and we are looking forward to Family Camp. It will all pass too quickly so I'm enjoying every moment:) I will hopefully be back on here sooner than three months from now:) (and maybe I'll have figure out how to post pictures) Until then enjoy the summer heat:)